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Your CYPRES Questions Answered
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How do I determine when the CYPRES is due for voluntary maintenance?
Method 1: Turn on the CYPRES, access the unit’s info and look for the next maintenance date. Refer to section 4.5 of the User’s Guide for illustrated step-by-step instructions.
Method 2: Locate the unit’s date of manufacture (DOM) and calculate 5/10 years from the date +/- 6 months for the maintenance window. (Units manufactured prior to January 1, 2017 are on a 4/8 year schedule.)
If the CYPRES has a DOM of 08/16 and is due for its 4-year maintenance, the maintenance date will display 08/20. Because you have 6 months on either side, though, the true window is 02/20 through 02/21.
How do I find the unit’s date of manufacture (DOM)?
The DOM may be found on the:
- Processing unit (black box)
- CYPRES Test Certificate that came with the new CYPRES
- The reserve packing data card
If you can’t locate the DOM, email us the CYPRES serial number.
Which CYPRES units have a 15.5 year lifetime?
Units manufactured January 2017 and later have a 15.5 year lifetime and are on a 5 and 10 year recommended maintenance cycle.
Can I get a CYPRES converted to a different model?
Military Model Conversions for the Military CYPRES can be performed at no additional cost during scheduled maintenance. This can also be performed outside of scheduled maintenance for a cost. (Model conversions are available for 1035, 1535, 1935, 2529, and 2535 models only).
Since 2003, we have offered free model conversions and continue to do so for Expert, Speed, Tandem, and Student models. To reduce downtime, it is best to do this during maintenance. When submitting the CYPRES, make sure to clearly state which model you would like the CYPRES converted to.
Model conversions are not available for Changeable Mode and WSC units. Expert, Speed, Tandem, and Student models cannot be converted to Changeable Mode and WSC units either.
How do I find the Date of Manufacture (DOM) of the CYPRES cutter?
The lifetime of the cutter is 16.5 years. Enter the cutter code into the CYPRES cutter service life calculator to lookup the cutter’s expiration date. to enter the cutter code and lookup the end of service life. The cutter code can be found on the black heat shrink of the cutter.
Can I convert a CYPRES 1-pin cutter to a 2-pin cutter and vice versa during maintenance?
If switching from a 1-pin cutter to a 2-pin, turn in the 1-pin cutter and we will charge you only 50% for the 2-pin cutter. If switching from a 2-pin to 1-pin there is no charge. (May not be possible for large quantities depending on current availability of used, non-activated cutters)
A CYPRES was submerged in water. What do I do?
This is a simple procedure. Turn off the CYPRES and refer to Sections 4.6 and 4.7 of the User’s Guide (pg. 36-37) for instructions on how to change the filter.
Are Training CYPRES units available?
Yes, we offer non-airworthy training units. Contact us for more information.